“Time Pilot” is a classic arcade game that takes players on a journey through different eras of aerial combat. Designed by Yoshiki Okamoto and released by Konami in 1982, this multidirectional shooter was ahead of its time with free-roaming gameplay that allowed players to navigate a jet fighter across various historical periods. The game’s premise is simple yet captivating: rescue fellow pilots trapped in time while battling enemy aircraft from five distinct eras—1910, 1940, 1970, 1982, and the futuristic 2001. Each stage presents its own challenges with period-specific adversaries, from WWI biplanes to futuristic spacecraft. “Time Pilot’s” innovative design and gameplay mechanics made it a hit in arcades, offering a unique twist on the shoot 'em up genre. Its ability to blend historical settings with timeless arcade action has cemented “Time Pilot” as a memorable and beloved title among retro gaming enthusiasts.